Fisheries undertaken by vessels in the IOTC Record of Authorized Vessels that use longline gear.
All fisheries undertaken by vessels in the IOTC Record of Authorized Vessels other than longline fisheries; in particular purse seine, pole-and-line, gillnet fisheries, handline and trolling vessels.
Fisheries other than longline or surface, also called "artisanal" fisheries.
Estimates of the annual total catch by species and gear, if possible quarterly, shall be submitted annually as referred in paragraph 7 (separated, whenever possible, by retained catches in live weight and by discards in live weight or numbers) for all species under the IOTC mandate as well as the most commonly caught elasmobranch species according to records of catches and incidents as established in Resolution 15/01 on the recording of catch and effort data by fishing vessels in the IOTC area of competence (or any subsequent superseding Resolution).
Data reporting form:Form 1RC for retained catches and Form 1DI for discards
Time coverage: one full calendar year
Catch unit:metric tons in live-weight equivalent (t) for retained catches, and either metric tons in live-weight equivalent (t) or number of individuals (no) for discarded catches
By fleet and year
By quarter (recommended)
By fishery
By major area (Western or Eastern Indian Ocean)
By fate: retained (including fish used as bait or consumed onboard) and / or discarded (regardless of the reason and condition at release)
By species (IOTC and most commonly caught elasmobranch species according to IOTC Resolution 15/01)
Catch weight by species and fishing effort shall be provided by 1° grid area and month strata.
Purse seine and pole and line fisheries data shall be stratified by fishing mode (e.g. free swimming schools or schools in association with floating objects).
The data shall be extrapolated to the total national monthly catches for each gear.
Documents describing the extrapolation procedures (including raising factors corresponding to the logbook coverage) shall also be submitted routinely.
Effort units reported should be consistent with those effort requirements of Resolution 15/01 (or any subsequent superseding revision).
Catch by species, in numbers or weight, and effort as the number of hooks deployed shall be provided by 5° grid area and month strata.
Documents describing the extrapolation procedures (including raising factors corresponding to the logbook coverage) shall also be submitted routinely.
For the work of relevant working parties under the IOTC Scientific Committee, longline data should be of a resolution of 1° grid area and month or finer.
These data would be for the exclusive use of IOTC Scientific Committee and its Working Parties, subject to the approval of the data owners and IOTC Resolution 12/02 'Data confidentiality policy and procedures', and should be provided for scientific use only in a timely fashion.
Effort units reported should be consistent with those effort requirements of Resolution 15/01 or any subsequent revision of such resolution.
Catches by species that shall be submitted annually as referred in paragraph 7, fishing gear and fishing effort shall be submitted frequently and may be provided using an alternative geographical area if it better represents the fishery concerned.
Effort units reported should be consistent with those effort requirements of Resolution 15/01 (or any subsequent superseding revision).
Size sampling shall be run under strict and well describedrandom sampling schemes which are necessary to provide unbiased figures of the sizes taken.
Sampling coverage shall be set to at least one fish measured by ton caught, by species and type of fishery, with samples being representative of all the periods and areas fished.
Alternatively, size data for longline fleets may be provided as part of the Regional Observer Scheme where such fleets have at least 5% observer coverage of all fishing operations.
Length data by species, including the total number of fish measured, shall be submitted by a 5° grid area by month, by gear and fishing mode (e.g. free swimming schools or schools in association with floating objects for the purse seiners).
Documents covering sampling and raising procedures shall also be provided, by species and type of fishery.