
A collection of code lists modelling:

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Species Groups

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

All groups of species of relevance to the IOTC.

Species Categories

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

All categories of species of relevance to the IOTC.


Reference codes modelling the species interacting with Indian Ocean fisheries as:

  • target species (retained or discarded)
  • non-target species (retained or discarded)
  • sampled individuals
  • etc.

These correspond to a subset of the entries currently found in the ASFIS list of species for fishery statistics purposes, from which they inherit the alphabetic codes, English, French and scientific names, as well as the family and order, and add the species category (in the IOTC sense), the IUCN status (IUCN 2022. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-2 <www.iucnredlist.org>) and other characteristics of each entry such as their status of single species / species aggregate, bait species, SSI species, IOTC species.

Species references are associated to a species group and to a species category through their SPECIES_GROUP_CODE and SPECIES_CATEGORY_CODE attributes, respectively.

All Species

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

All species of relevance to the IOTC, regardless of their nature and classification.

Referenced in forms: 1RC, 1RC, 1DI, 3CE, 3CE (update), 3DA, 3DA (update), 3AA, 3AA (update), 4SF, 4SF (update), ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails

IOTC Species

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

The subset of species that are managed by the IOTC, as defined in Article 3 of the Agreement (Species and stocks):

The species covered by this Agreement shall be those set out in Annex B. The term ‘stocks’ means the populations of such species which are located in the Area or migrate into or out of the Area”.

Target Species

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

The list of species that are intentionally targeted by one or more Indian Ocean fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species.

The definition of bycatch in the IOTC is that of “All species, other than the 16 species listed in Annex B of the IOTC Agreement, caught or interacted with by fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species in the IOTC area of competence”.

A bycatch species includes those non-IOTC species which are:

  1. retained (byproduct),
  2. incidentally taken in a fishery and returned to the sea (discarded); or
  3. incidentally affected by interacting with fishing equipment in the fishery, but not taken”.

Therefore, the target species listed here also include bycatch species, according to the definitions above.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.LL/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.PL/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.PS/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.GN/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.LL/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.PL/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.PS/generalVesselAndTripInfo|vesselIdentification, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|settingOperations, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|settingOperations

Sharks and Rays

The Commission identified other species, especially pelagic sharks and rays, which make an important bycatch of IOTC fisheries and agreed that data requirements for IOTC species shall apply to these species as well (see Res. 17/05 and Res. 19/03).

Species of Special Interest

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

For the purpose of improving the voluntary collection of information on the post-release mortality of discarded species of special interest, the Scientific Committee – at its 21st session in 2018 – endorsed the list of species considered of special interest, as proposed by the ROS expert workshop.

This list is originally found in Appendix VIII of the WPDCS14 report, and further simplified in Appendix 6b of the SC21 report.

Currently, the list of species of special interest includes:

  1. All marine turtles
  2. All cetaceans
  3. All seabirds
  4. Designated shark species, and more specifically those species subject to a retention ban (i.e., whale sharks, oceanic whitetip shark, and thresher sharks)
  5. Designated billfish species, and more specifically those included in Res. 18/05 (i.e., striped marlin, black marlin, blue marlin, and Indo-Pacific sailfish)
  6. (added) All mobulid rays, as per para. 3 of IOTC Res. 19/03

Referenced in forms: 1RC, 1RC, 1DI, 3CE, 3CE (update), 3DA, 3DA (update), 3AA, 3AA (update), 4SF, 4SF (update), ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails

Gear Interactions

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

[ TBD ]

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs

Handling Methods

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for the methods used to handle the SSI individual brought onboard.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalCatchDetailsOnSSIs


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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

A comprehensive list of cetacean species, which are all considered of special interest by the IOTC.

Referenced in forms: 1DI, 4SF, 4SF (update) as a subset of all potentially interacted species

Cetaceans and Whale Sharks

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

A comprehensive list of cetacean species and whale shark, which are all considered of special interest by the IOTC.

Referenced in forms: 1DI, 4SF, 4SF (update) as a subset of all potentially interacted species


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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

A comprehensive list of seabird species, which are all considered of special interest by the IOTC.

Referenced in forms: 1DI, 4SF, 4SF (update) as a subset of all potentially interacted species

Marine Turtles

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

The list of marine turtles species found in the Indian Ocean, which are all considered of special interest by the IOTC.

Referenced in forms: 1DI, 4SF, 4SF (update) as a subset of all potentially interacted species

Other Species

[ TBD ]

Referenced in forms: 1RC, 1RC, 1DI, 3CE, 3CE (update), 3DA, 3DA (update), 3AA, 3AA (update), 4SF, 4SF (update)

Bait Species

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

[ TBD ]

Referenced in forms: ROS.LL/fishingEvents|settingOperations, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|settingOperations, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalDetailsOnSSIs

Bait Conditions

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for the bait conditions.

Referenced in forms: ROS.LL/fishingEvents|settingOperations, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|settingOperations, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalDetailsOnSSIs

Types of Bait

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for the types of bait.

Referenced in forms: ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalDetailsOnSSIs

Predator Species

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

[ TBD ]

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|depredationDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|depredationDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|depredationDetails

Types of Fate

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes used to identify a given fate as indicating that the fish has been retained or discarded.

Referenced in forms: 4SF, 4SF (update), ROS.GN/fishingEvent|catchDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvent|catchDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvent|catchDetails, ROS.PS/fishingEvent|catchDetails


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  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Last updated: 2024-02-01 08:53:36.873

All possible fates, combining the reasons for retain and those for discard.

Referenced in forms: 4SF, 4SF (update), ROS.GN/fishingEvent|catchDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvent|catchDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvent|catchDetails, ROS.PS/fishingEvent|catchDetails

Reasons for Retention

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  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Last updated: 2024-02-01 08:53:36.873

Reference codes modelling the reasons why aquatic creatures caught by the fishery are retained onboard, i.e., those with the type of fate set to ‘RE’.

Referenced in forms: 1RC, 1RC

Reasons for Discarding

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  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Last updated: 2024-02-01 08:53:36.873

Reference codes that model the reasons why aquatic creatures caught by the fishery are then discarded at sea, i.e., those with the type of fate set to ‘DI’.

Referenced in forms: 1DI

Individual Conditions

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes modelling the conditions (at capture / at release) of individual aquatic creatures being discarded at sea or measured.

Referenced in forms: 1DI, ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalDetailsOnNonTargetSpecies, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalDetailsOnNonTargetSpecies, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalDetailsOnNonTargetSpecies, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|additionalDetailsOnNonTargetSpecies, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|additionalDetailsOnNonTargetSpecies)

Depredation Sources

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for depredation sources.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|depredationDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|depredationDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|depredationDetails


[ TBD ]

Types of Tag

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for the types of tags released or retrieved.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|tagDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|tagDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|tagDetails, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|tagDetails


[ TBD ]


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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for the period (during operations) when samples ares collected.

Referenced in forms: ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation


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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for the possible sampling protocols used by observers during hauling operations.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|haulingOperations, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|haulingOperations


[ TBD ]

Biological Sampling

Reference codes for the sampling methods used by observers for the collection of biological sub-samples.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation

Total Catch Estimation

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes for the sampling methods used by observers to obtain total catch estimates per species for the observed set.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails


[ TBD ]


  • Permalink
  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Last updated: 2023-06-15 15:27:19.957

Reference codes modelling the sex of the individual aquatic creatures being measured.

Referenced in forms: 4SF, 4SF (update), ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation

Types of Measurement

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

Reference codes used to identify a given measurement type as length or weight measurements, as well as to identify a given measurement tool as measuring lengths or weights.

Referenced in forms: 4SF, 4SF (update)


[ TBD ]

All Measurements

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  • Version: 1.0.5
  • Last updated: 2024-09-12 08:40:14.37

All possible measurements, combining those specific for individual lengths and weights.

These do not include information on the actual measuring tool used, nor on the straight / curved nature of the measurement (for lengths only) which have to be provided separately if necessary.

Referenced in forms: 4SF, 4SF (update)

Length Measurements

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  • Version: 1.0.5
  • Last updated: 2024-09-12 08:40:14.37

All possible length measurements, i.e., those with the type of measurement set to ‘LN’.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation

Weight Measurements

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  • Version: 1.0.5
  • Last updated: 2024-09-12 08:40:14.37

All possible weight measurements, i.e., those with the type of measurement set to ‘WG’.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation

Measurement Tools

[ TBD ]

All Measurement Tools

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

All possible measurement tools, combining those specific for individual lengths and weights.

Referenced in forms: 4SF, 4SF (update)

Length Measurement Tools

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

All possible length measurement tools, i.e., those with the type of measurement set to ‘LN’.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation

Weight Measurement Tools

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

All possible weight measurement tools, i.e., those with the type of measurement set to ‘WG’.

Referenced in forms: ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails, ROS.GN/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.LL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PL/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation, ROS.PS/fishingEvents|catchDetails|specimenInformation|biometricInformation

Weight Estimation Methods

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2023-05-12

All possible weight estimation methods.

Same as weight measurement tools.

Recommended Measurements

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  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 2024-02-13

All recommended measurement values (size bins, min / max measurements, etc.) by species.