
This form provides for the reporting of the total annual numbers of fishing vessels involved in operation by fishery, boat type, mechanisation type, onboard fish preservation type, and size class.

For each stratum, the data coverage – i.e., the percentage (%) of vessels or fishing activities sampled – derived from the coverage type must be reported to assess the representativeness and quality of the estimates.

Click here to download a blank version of Form 1-RC, or return to the list of IOTC statistical data reporting forms.

Data content

Number of fishing vessel by size category, along with information on the value (%) and type of sampling coverage used for the estimations by year, fleet, fishery, and vessel characteristics.


General information

Element Requirement Description Input value
Reporting year M Gregorian calendar year of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer
Reporting entity M Code of the entity reporting the dataset to the IOTC Secretariat Code from Entities
Flag state M Code of the country registration of the fishery vessels Code from Countries

Main data elements

Element Requirement Description Input value
Fisheries M Type of fishing practices based on several factors Code from Fisheries

Original data

Element Requirement Description Input value
Original data type M Preliminary/final status of the data Code from Types of data
Original data source M Source of information Code from Fishing craft data sources
Original data processing M Processing applied to the data Code from Fishing craft data processings
Source coverage type M Variable used for data coverage Code from Types of coverage

Vessel characteristics

Element Requirement Description Input value
Boat type M Fishing boat classification based on shape and purpose Code from Boat types
Mechanisation type M Type of boat mechanization Code from Mechanisation types
Boat class types M Vessel size categories Code from Boat class types
Fish preservation method M Type of preservation methods being used for target species onboard boats Code from Fish preservation methods
Fish storage M Type of structures present on-board and used by the vessel to store the catch Code from Fish storage method

Reporting metadata

Element Requirement Description Format Example
Liaison officer full name M Name of the liaison officer in charge of the compilation of the data Plain text John Doe
Liaison officer email M Email address of the liaison officer in charge of the compilation of the data Valid email address
Organisation name M Name of the organisation in charge of the compilation of the data Plain text National Institute of Fisheries
Organisation email O Email address of the organisation in charge of the compilation of the data
Finalisation date M Date of finalisation of the dataset ISO 8601 1996-03-27
Submission date O Date of submission of the dataset ISO 8601 1997-03-21

Reporting deadlines

  • Longline fisheries: 30 June (preliminary), 30 December (final)
  • Surface fisheries: 30 June (final)
  • Coastal fisheries: 30 June (final)

Reference code lists



IOTC main areas


Types of boats

Types of mechanization

Methods of fish preservation

Types of fish storage

Types of boat class

Types of data

Fishing crafts data sources

Fishing crafts data processings

Types of coverage