
This form provides for the monthly reporting of size-frequency estimates for IOTC species, as well as common sharks and other bycatch species caught in association with IOTC fisheries. The form allows reporting updated data for a single fishery.

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Data content

Number (or weight) of fish sample and raised estimates by size category and species, along with information on the value (%) and type of sampling coverage used for the estimations by month, year, fleet, fishery and geographical grid.


General information

Element Requirement Description Input value
Reporting year M Gregorian calendar year of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer (e.g., 1996)
Reporting entity M Code of the entity reporting the dataset to the IOTC Secretariat Code from Entities
Flag state M Code of the country registration of the fishery vessels Code from Countries
Fisheries M Type of fishing practices based on several factors Code from Fisheries
Species M Species sampled Code from Species

Main data elements

Element Requirement Description Input value
Month M Month of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer 1..12
Grid M 5° grid area Code from Grid codes
Sex O Sex of the fish sampled Code from Sex

Sample data

Element Requirement Description Input value
Size class (low) M The lowest size recorded for the sample Integer
Size class (high) M The highest size recorded for the sample Integer
Number of samples M Actual number of fish measured in the stratum Integer
Number of fish M Raised number of fish in the stratum Integer

Data specifications

Element Requirement Description Code list
Original data type M Preliminary/final status of the data Code from Type of data
Original data source M Source of information Code from Size frequency data sources
Original data processing M Processing applied to the data Code from Size frequency data processings
Data raising M Level of raising (i.e., extrapolation) Code from Raisings
Source coverage type O Variable used for data coverage Code from Types of coverage
Source coverage value O Value of coverage Percentage (%)
Type of fate M Fate of fish caught (retained or discarded) Code from Types of fate
Fate O Reason for retained or discarded of the catch Code from Fate


Element Requirement Description Code list
Type of Measurement M Given measurement types (weight or length) Code from Types of measurement
Measured type M Type of measure recorded Code from Measurements
Measurement Tool M Tool used to take the measurement Code from Measurement tools
Size interval M Size interval between lowest and highest measurements of the sampled species Integer

Original data

Element Requirement Description Code list
Estimation M Indicates if the data was estimated or actual recorded data Code from Estimations

Reporting metadata

Element Requirement Description Format Example
Liaison officer full name M Name of the liaison officer in charge of the compilation of the data Plain text John Doe
Liaison officer email M Email address of the liaison officer in charge of the compilation of the data Valid email address
Organisation name M Name of the organisation in charge of the compilation of the data Plain text National Institute of Fisheries
Organisation email O Email address of the organisation in charge of the compilation of the data
Finalisation date M Date of finalisation of the dataset ISO 8601 1996-03-27
Submission date M Date of submission of the dataset ISO 8601 1997-03-21

Reporting deadlines

  • Longline fisheries: 30 June (preliminary), 30 December (final)
  • Surface fisheries: 30 June (final)
  • Coastal fisheries: 30 June (final)

Additional information

The spatial and temporal resolutions, and catch units

Category Temporal resolution Spatial resolution Catch unit
All fisheries Month 5° grid area or finer for the SC number of fish

Reference code lists



IOTC 5° grids


Types of measurement


Measurement tools

Types of fate




Types of data

Data raising

Size-frequency data sources

Size-frequency data processings

Types of coverage types
