
This form supports the reporting of single daily buoy position (latitude and longitude in decimal degrees) for each of the buoys monitored by each purse seine vessel. Each buoy is identified by its unique identifier which is a concatenation of the acronym of the buoy commercial model (e.g., ISD+, M3+, T8E) followed by 5-9 digits depending on the buoy model.


Click here to download an empty version of form 3-BU, or return back to the list of all IOTC statistical data reporting forms.

Supported resolutions

Daily positions of active buoys equipping FADs and natural floating objects for each purse seine vessel

  • Res. 19/02, para.24Procedures on a fish aggregating devices (FADS) management plan

Reporting deadlines

  • Surface fisheries: To be submitted with a time delay of at least 60 days, but no longer than 90 days


Reporting metadata

Submission information

Element Requirement Description Format Example
Focal point full name M Name of the focal point in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Plain text John Doe
Focal point email M Email address of the focal point in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Valid email address
Organisation name M Name of the organisation in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Plain text National Institute of Fisheries
Organisation email O Email address of the organisation in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Valid email address
Finalisation date M Date of finalisation of the dataset ISO 8601 1996-03-27
Submission date M Date of submission of the dataset ISO 8601 1997-03-21

General information

Element Requirement Description Code list
Reporting year M Gregorian calendar year of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer
[Reporting month] M Month of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer
Reporting entity M Code of the entity reporting the dataset to the IOTC Secretariat Entity
Flag state M Code of the country registration of the fishery vessels Countries
[Vessel name M Name of vessel monitoring the buoy Plain text
[Vessel IOTC number M IOTC registered number of the vessel monitoring the buoy Plain text (IOTCxxxxxx)

Data specifications

Element Requirement Description Code list
Original data type M Preliminary/final status of the data Type of data

Data elements

Main data elements

Element Requirement Description Code list
Day of Month M Day of the month of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer
Buoy ID M Unique identifier of buoy monitored (e.g., ISD+, M3+, T8E) followed by 5-9 digit

Buoy position

Element Requirement Description Code list
Latitude M Horizontal distances north or south of the Equation in decimal degrees
Longitude M Vertical distances east or west of the prime meridian in decimal degrees

Referenced codelists

Administrative and geospatial domains

Countries (ADM.COU)

Reference codes modeling the flag / reporting country submitting a dataset to the IOTC Secretariat.

Data and metadata domains

Data types (DTA.TY)

Reference codes modeling the type of statistics provided through a specific form, and in particular if these are:

  1. preliminary if the statistics were estimated by using some information from the fishery and year concerned, and the data reported are likely to change in the future as more information become available; or
  2. final if the statistics were estimated by using the complete set of data from the fishery and year concerned, and the data reported are unlikely to change in the future.