This form supports the reporting of estimates of discards in numbers or live weight equivalent for the IOTC species, mobulid rays, whale sharks, cetaceans, common sharks, and other bycatch species. Reporting of quarterly estimates is voluntary and recommended to assess the seasonality of the discards. For each stratum, the data coverage – i.e., the percentage (%) of amount of fish sampled – derived from the coverage type must be reported to assess the representativeness and quality of the estimates.
Click here to download a blank version of Form 1-DI, or return to the list of all IOTC statistical data reporting forms.
Data content
Total number or live weight of discarded catches by species, along with information on the value (%) and type of sampling coverage used for the estimations by quarter if available, year, fleet, fishery, discard reason, and IOTC main area.
Main data elements
Quarter |
O |
Fishing time period |
0: Jan-Dec; 1: Jan-Mar; 2: Apr-Jun; 3: Jul-Sep; 4: Oct-Dec |
Fishery |
M |
IOTC-defined fisheries |
Code from Fisheries |
Area |
M |
Main IOTC areas |
Code from IOTC main areas |
Target Species |
M |
Main species targeted |
Code from Species |
Reasons for discarding |
M |
Reasons why the species were discarded |
Code from Reasons for discarding |
Species |
M |
Species caught and discarded |
Code from Species |
Condition of species |
M |
Conditions of species being discarded at sea |
Code from Conditions |
Data raising |
M |
Level of raising (i.e., extrapolation) |
Code from Raisings |
Catch unit |
M |
Units used to report the level of catches of a given species |
Code from Catch units |
Reporting deadlines
- Longline fisheries: 30 June (preliminary), 30 December (final)
- Surface fisheries: 30 June (final)
- Coastal fisheries: 30 June (final)
Reference codelists
Reference codes modelling the flag / reporting country submitting the dataset to the IOTC Secretariat.
IOTC main areas
Reference codes modelling the two main areas in which the IOTC area of competence is split (western / eastern IOTC area, roughly coinciding with FAO areas F51 and F57).

Reference codes modelling the species interacting with the fisheries as:
- target species (retained or discarded)
- bycatch species (retained or discarded)
- sampled individuals
- etc.
These codelists are subsets of the entries in the ASFIS list of species for fishery statistics purposes, from which they inherit the alphabetic codes, English, French and scientific names, as well as the family and order, and add the species category (in the IOTC sense), the IUCN status (retrieved from the IUCN red list of endangered species) and other characteristics of each entry such as their status of single species / species aggregate, bait species, SSI species, IOTC species.
Discard reasons
Reference codes modelling the discard reasons information used to obtain the data provided through a specific form.
Discard conditions
Reference codes modelling the conditions (at capture / at release) of individual aquatic creatures being discarded at sea or measured.
Data types
Reference codes modelling the type of statistics provided through a specific form, and in particular if these are:
Preliminary when the statistics were estimated by using some information from the fishery and year concerned, and the data reported are likely to change in the future as more information become available; or
Final when the statistics were estimated by using the complete set of data from the fishery and year concerned, and the data reported are unlikely to change in the future.
Retained catches data sources
Reference codes modelling the source of the retained catch data.
Retained catches data processings
Reference codes modelling the processing applied to the retained catch data.
Coverage types
Reference codes modelling the type of coverage for the raw information used to obtain the retained catch data.