Nominal catches by year, IOTC area, fleet, fishery and species

NC-RAW Nominal catches for all species, including bycatch ones

68,666 2025-02-21 Raw Raised Yearly Live weight IO main areas All species

NC-SCI Fully disaggregated, best scientific estimates for IOTC species only

55,257 2025-02-21 Disaggregated Raised Yearly Live weight IO main areas IOTC species

Catch-and-effort by year, quarter, grid, fleet, fishery and species

CE-EF Reported georeferenced quarterly efforts

640,148 2025-01-14 Raw Unraised Quarterly Effort Regular grids

CE-CA Reported georeferenced quarterly catches (in weight and / or numbers)

1,942,087 2025-01-14 Raw Unraised Quarterly Live weight Numbers Regular grids All species

Raised catches by year, quarter, 5x5 grid, fleet, fishery and species


CA-RAISED Estimated, raised georeferenced quarterly catches (weight and numbers) for main species

1,702,812 2025-01-14 Disaggregated Raised Quarterly Live weight Numbers Regular grids Albacore Bigeye Skipjack Yellowfin Swordfish

Size-frequency by year, quarter, grid, fleet, fishery, species and measure

SF-RAW Reported georeferenced size-frequency

6,291,603 2025-01-14 Raw Unraised Quarterly Lengths Weights Regular grids All species

SF-STD Standardized georeferenced size-frequency data for IOTC and relevant shark species

6,254,209 2025-01-15 Converted Unraised Quarterly Fork lengths Est. weights Regular grids IOTC species