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Raw georeferenced catches
Last updated: 2025-01-14
Catch unit
AUS - Australia
BGD - Bangladesh
CHN - China
TWN - Taiwan,China
COM - Comoros
EUESP - EU (Spain)
EUFRA - EU (France)
EUITA - EU (Italy)
EUPRT - EU (Portugal)
EUREU - EU (France,RĂ©union)
EUMYT - EU (France,Mayotte)
EUGBR - EU (United Kingdom)
EUBGR - EU (Bulgaria)
EUDEU - EU (Germany)
FRAT - France (OT)
IND - India
IDN - Indonesia
IRN - I. R. Iran
JPN - Japan
KEN - Kenya
KOR - Republic of Korea
MDG - Madagascar
MYS - Malaysia
MDV - Maldives
MUS - Mauritius
MOZ - Mozambique
OMN - Sultanate of Oman
PAK - Pakistan
PHL - Philippines
SYC - Seychelles
LKA - Sri Lanka
ZAF - South Africa
TZA - United republic of Tanzania
THA - Thailand
GBR - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GBRT - United Kingdom (OT)
YEM - Yemen
ERI - Eritrea
SOM - Somalia
SDN - Sudan
BHR - Bahrain
BLZ - Belize
DJI - Djibouti
TMP - Timor Leste
EGY - Egypt
GIN - Guinea
ISR - Israel
JOR - Jordan
KWT - Kuwait
MMR - Myanmar
QAT - Qatar
SAU - Saudi Arabia
SEN - Senegal
SUN - Soviet Union
ARE - United Arab Emirates
VUT - Vanuatu
NEIDN - NEI (Indonesia EEZ)
NEISU - NEI (ex-Soviet Union)
NEICE - NEI (fresh)
NEIFR - NEI (frozen)
NEIPS - NEI (other)
AG34 - Yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna
AG35 - Yellowfin tuna and skipjack tuna
ALB - Albacore
ALV - Thresher
BET - Bigeye tuna
BIL - Marlins,sailfishes,etc. nei
BLM - Black marlin
BLT - Bullet tuna
BSH - Blue shark
BTH - Bigeye thresher
BUM - Blue marlin
BXQ - Marlins nei
COM - Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel
EAG - Eagle rays nei
FAL - Silky shark
FRI - Frigate tuna
FRZ - Frigate and bullet tunas
GUT - Indo-Pacific king mackerel
KAW - Kawakawa
LMA - Longfin mako
LOT - Longtail tuna
LTA - Little tunny( skipj)
MAK - Mako sharks
MAN - Mantas, devil rays nei
MLS - Striped marlin
OCS - Oceanic whitetip shark
PLS - Pelagic stingray
POR - Porbeagle
PTH - Pelagic thresher
RAJ - Rays and skates nei
RHN - Whale shark
RMB - Giant manta
RMM - Devil fish
RMV - Mobula nei
SBF - Southern bluefin tuna
SFA - Indo-Pacific sailfish
SKH - Various sharks nei
SKJ - Skipjack tuna
SMA - Shortfin mako
SPK - Great hammerhead
SPL - Scalloped hammerhead
SPN - Hammerhead sharks nei
SPZ - Smooth hammerhead
SRX - Rays, stingrays, mantas nei
SWO - Swordfish
THR - Thresher sharks nei
TUN - Tunas nei
TUS - True tunas nei
UNCL - Unclassified
YFT - Yellowfin tuna
Fishery type
ART - Artisanal fisheries
IND - Industrial fisheries
BB - Baitboat
GN - Gillnet
LIC - Line | Coastal longline
LIH - Line | Handline
LIT - Line | Trolling
LLD - Longline | Deep-freezing
LLF - Longline | Fresh
LLO - Longline | Other
OT - Other
PSFS - Purse seine | FS
PSLS - Purse seine | LS
PSOT - Purse seine | Other
Fishery group
BB - Baitboat
GN - Gillnet
LI - Line
LL - Longline
OT - Other
PS - Purse seine
BB - Baitboat
BBM - Baitboat (mechanized)
BBN - Baitboat (non-mechanized)
BBOF - Baitboat (offshore)
BBPS - Baitboat and purse seine
BS - Beach seine
CN - Cast net
ELL - Longline targeting swordfish
FLL - Longline (fresh)
FN - Fish net
G/L - Gillnet and longline combination
GIHA - Gillnet and handline
GILL - Gillnet
GIOF - Gillnet (offshore)
HABBTR - Handline, pole and line, and troll line
HAND - Handline
HATR - Handline and troll line
HLOF - Handline (offshore)
HOOK - Hook-and-line
LIFT - Liftnet
LL - Longline (deep-freezing)
LLCO - Coastal longline
LLEX - Longline (exploratory)
LLF - Set longline
PS - Purse seine
PSS - Small purse seine
RIN - Ringnet
RNOF - Ringnet (offshore)
SBG - Set bagnet
SLL - Longline targeting sharks
SPOR - Sport fishing
TRAP - Trap
TRAW - Trawl
TROL - Troll line
TROLM - Troll line (mechanized)
TROLN - Troll line (non-mechanized)
UNCL - Unclassified
Species category
BILLFISH - Billfish species
NERITIC - Neritic tuna species
OTHERS - Other species NEI
RAYS - Ray species
SEERFISH - Seerfish species
SHARKS - Shark species
TEMPERATE - Temperate tuna species
TROPICAL - Tropical tuna species
TUNAS_NEI - Tuna species NEI
Species group
BILLFISH - Billfish species
OTHERS - All other species
SEERFISH - Seerfish species
SHARKS - Shark species
TUNAS - Tuna species
Species working party
BILL - Billfish
BYCT - Ecosystem and bycatch
NERI - Neritic tunas
TEMP - Temperate tunas
TROP - Tropical tunas
UNCL - Unclassified
Species IUCN status
CR - Critically endangered
DD - Data deficient
EN - Endangered
LC - Least concern
NT - Near threatened
UNCL - Unclassified
VU - Vulnerable
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