
This form supports the reporting of geographic position and description of each fishing activity conducted around each anchored fish aggregated devices(AFAD), as update, along with estimates of retained catches and discards in numbers or live weight equivalent for the IOTC species, common sharks, and other bycatch species.

Click here to download a blank version of Form 3-AA-update, or return to the list of all IOTC statistical data reporting forms.

Data content

Number or live weight of retained and discards by species, including their fate, if the data is raised, estimations by day of the month, year, fleet, fishery, and geographic position from each aFOB.


General information

Element Requirement Description Input value
Reporting year M Gregorian calendar year of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer
Reporting entity M Entity reporting the dataset to the IOTC Secretariat Code from Entities
Flag state M Country registration of the fishing vessels Code from Countries
Month M Gregorian calendar month of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer 1..12
Fisheries M Type of fishing practices based on several factors Code from Fisheries

Data specifications

Element Requirement Description Input value
Original data type M Preliminary/final status of the data Code from Types of data

Main data elements

Element Requirement Description Input value
Day of the Month M Day of the month of the fishing activities reported through the dataset Integer 1..31
Latitude M Horizontal distances north or south of the Equator Decimal degrees
Longitude M Vertical distances east or west of the prime meridian Decimal degrees
Species M Species caught and discarded Code from Species
Type of fate M Fate of fish caught (retained or discarded) Code from Types of fate
Data raising M Level of raising (i.e., extrapolation) Code from Raisings
Catch unit M Units used to report the level of catches of a given species Code from Catch units

aFOB data

Element Requirement Description Input value
Identifier M Unique identifier of the anchored floating object Plain text
Type M Type of anchored floating object AFOB types
Activity M Type of activities undertaken when visiting or deploying an anchored floating object AFOB activity types

Reporting metadata

Element Requirement Description Format Example
Focal point full name M Name of the focal point in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Plain text John Doe
Focal point email M Email address of the focal point in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Valid email address
Organisation name M Name of the organisation in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Plain text National Institute of Fisheries
Organisation email O Email address of the organisation in charge of the reporting of the data to the IOTC Secretariat Valid email address
Finalisation date M Date of finalisation of the dataset ISO 8601 1996-03-27
Submission date M Date of submission of the dataset ISO 8601 1997-03-21

Reporting deadlines

  • Surface fisheries: 30 June (final)

Reference codelists


Reference codes modelling the entity submitting the dataset to the IOTC Secretariat.


Reference codes modelling the flag / reporting country submitting a dataset to the IOTC Secretariat.


An ad-hoc classification derived from a combination of several factors (purpose, area of operation, vessel size category, gear, gear configuration, fishing mode and target species) that uniquely describe fishing practices for groups of vessels.

An interactive wizard to help CPCs identify the IOTC code for their fisheries (among those currently considered of relevance in the Indian Ocean).

Data types

Reference codes modelling the type of statistics provided through a specific form, and in particular if these are:

  1. Preliminary if the statistics were estimated by using some information from the fishery and year concerned, and the data reported are likely to change in the future as more information become available; or

  2. Final if the statistics were estimated by using the complete set of data from the fishery and year concerned, and the data reported are unlikely to change in the future.

All species

Reference codes modelling the species interacting with the fisheries as:

  • target species (retained or discarded)
  • bycatch species (retained or discarded)
  • sampled individuals
  • etc.

These codelists are subsets of the entries in the ASFIS list of species for fishery statistics purposes, from which they inherit the alphabetic codes, English, French and scientific names, as well as the family and order, and add the species category (in the IOTC sense), the IUCN status (retrieved from the IUCN red list of endangered species) and other characteristics of each entry such as their status of single species / species aggregate, bait species, SSI species, IOTC species.

Types of anchored floating object (aFOB)

Reference codes modelling the types of anchored FOBs.

Types of anchored fishing activity types (aFOB)

Reference codes modelling the type of activities undertaken when interacting with an anchored FOB.

Types of fate

Reference codes used to identify a given fate as indicating that the fish has been retained or discarded.


Reference codes modelling the level of raising applied to the data, and in particular if data:

  • have been raised to the represent the total catches and effort in the year concerned (RT),
  • have been raised but does not represent the total catches and effort in the year concerned (PR), or
  • have not been raised at all (NR)

Catch units

Reference codes modelling the units used to report the level of catches / discards of a given species, further stratified by the specific criteria characterizing each reporting form.